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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hoodia Gordonii Plus Weight Loss Pill Review - How Does the Program Result in Success?

Hoodia Gordonii Plus is derived from a small, spiny and succulent plant that grows in the deserts of South Africa. It is sometimes referred to as a desert cactus, though it is not a true cactus. It has been eaten by native Bushmen for centuries, as it prevented hunger on long journeys and hunting trips. The plant naturally suppresses the appetite, which results in weight loss.

In 1995, South African scientists were able to isolate Hoodia's active ingredient, which was named P57. Pfizer, a pharmaceutical giant, planned to mass-create and release an artificial version of hoodia. Pfizer dropped out after three years of investigation; they said it would be too expensive to bring the product to the markets. Unilever bought the license to P57 in late 2004, but they have yet to release a product with it.

While hoodia's active ingredient cannot currently be found in artificial supplements, the real thing can be bought as a whole plant formula. The Hoodia Gordonii Plus pills also contain magnesium, a mineral that is vital for everything from a strong immune system to sturdy bones to good nerve and muscle function.

Another ingredient in the pills is Garcinia Cambogia, which is an extract from a tree. It supposedly helps energy conversion in the body take place, and boosts the liver and muscles' ability to store glycogen, which controls some feelings of hunger.

Green Tea Extract is also in the capsules. It is a natural antioxidant, meaning it assists in ridding toxins from the body. It increases energy naturally without caffeine and without causing the heart rate to rise.

The company that produces Hoodia Gordonii Plus says it does not know of any side effects related to the supplement, though they ask people to eat sensibly and healthily, which is especially advisable when your appetite is lower and you are eating less food.

What is the recommended dose? Take two pills on an empty stomach with eight ounces of water. Do not use more than is recommended, and do not take it if you are pregnant, have or have had kidney disease in the past, are pregnant or nursing, or if you are taking any medicines that may interfere. If you're not sure how Hoodia Gordonii may affect your health, contact your doctor before starting the program.

Hoodia Gordonii Plus comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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