If you are overweight and you have recently decided to do something about it, then hats off to you! You have made the right choice. But if you start losing weight, then I would highly recommend you lose weight effectively.
If you lose weight the right way, you will do it gradually over a longer period of time. Don't get yourself on some sort of crash diet, expecting to wake up with six pack abs in only two weeks. It doesn't exactly work that way. When you take longer to achieve your results, your weight loss results will be more permanent.
Turning your weight loss attempts into a long project, will give you long term results. It really does work that way. Because when you lose weight to fast, your body is going to protest pretty quickly. The human body has built in mechanisms to protect you from changing your current body weight. Even when you are overweight, your body will stop itself from losing too much weight all at once.
It is the leptin hormone that is responsible for this.
When you lose weight, your leptin levels drop. Once your leptin levels are low enough, your body will be put in starvation mode. This means that your body will try to hang on to every calorie for dear life, because your brain thinks you are in a period of famine.
When you gain weight, your leptin levels skyrocket. Your brain then signals to your body that you are in a period of abundance and there is no need to squeeze every single calorie. Your body will be put in fat burning mode. There are plenty of calories, so let's just burn a lot of them! That's how your body works.
So you see, your leptin prevents you from both gaining and losing too much weight in a very short time frame.
This is the reason why many people hit a plateau in their training. When this happens, always change something in your diet and exercise. The body needs to be surprised from time to time.
Try it out. You'll see it works!
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